Behind the curtain
May 12, 2023
Always striving to outdo themselves, Creekview’s drama students are already planning for a phenomenal next year full of exciting shows. This year’s thespian officers are planning the annual end of year banquet that is set to take place on May 19th at 6 p.m. No doubt they will reflect on a wonderful season.
The Sound of Music wrapped up at the end of March after a successful production. Getting ready for a musical production takes longer than some might think, as there are many moving parts going on at the same time.
“We are all so happy when the show is over, but we have to turn around the next week and start prepping for next year,” Bettis said.
Rehearsals for the musical, The Sound of Music, began the week after the cast list was released in November, which was months before the show’s actual performance dates in late March.
“We have been rehearsing almost every day each week from the end of school until 7p.m. We work on music, choreography and blocking,” Phoebe Fiebus, senior, actor, said.
But the season really began earlier. In October, the tech crew also started working diligently from day one. From building the set to choreographing dances to making a list of props, no one took a break. The crew started brainstorming plans and ideas several weeks before rehearsals started.
“Planning for the show, especially set design, begins as soon as possible. This year as set designer, I had an idea board started even before auditions,” Syd Crowe, senior, technical director and set designer, said.
Closer to opening night, the cast and crew began working on Saturdays for scene builds in the auditorium. This is when the actors and tech crew built the set from the materials they bought throughout the weeks prior. All members were required to complete a minimum of eight build hours, but many students put in many more hours.
“Scene builds are a time for everyone, including performers to get their set built and ready,” Lark Hylton, director, said.
At the end of the show, while the audience saw only the cast take a bow onstage, backstage, the tech crew did the same, in recognition of a show well done. While the highlight of the year may be the performances, few realized how much work the cast, crew, and thespian officers put in all year long.
“The work never stops, it’s like a full-time job […] we’ve (the thespian officers) always got something new going on or another event to plan,” Bettis said.
Next up for the drama department are officer interviews, which are taking place next week to elect new officers for the upcoming year. Hylton is planning on revealing next year’s slate of shows before the end-of-the-year.