Sweet smell of $ucce$$

Rebecca Duncan, Staff Writer








It is a Friday morning at Creekview. Students and teachers, tired from the long week, roam the halls in a daze waiting for school to start. Suddenly the smell of coffee beckons, permeating from the media center. That welcoming aroma comes from the Lazy Bear Café, signaling time for a caffeine fix. 

Creekview’s coffee shop run by the special needs students, provides them with a portion of the proceeds to finance various activities.  

“It funds field trips we do, curriculum stuff we have for the classroom; we have a scholarship program for our students,” Sherry Wallace, Special Ed teacher, said.   

Along with her sister, Jenny Hopkins, Wallace created the Lazy Bear Café 12 years ago. The coffee shop is open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:00 a.m. through 10:30 a.m.  

“It’s three and a half hours from start to finish to clean up, so we really can’t take any more time outside of that,” Wallace said.  

Drop in to the Lazy Bear café to kickstart the day and support Creekview students.